Both the Wellcome Trust and UKRI require monographs, book chapters and edited collections to be published under a Creative Commons licence. UKRI has expressed a preference for a CC BY licence, but other Creative Commons licences are permitted. The Wellcome Trust has a strong preference for CC BY but will allow monograph authors to use other Creative Commons licences such as CC BY-NC or CC BY-ND.
UKRI in collaboration with Jisc have produced a guide on Publishing under the UKRI open access policy: copyright and Creative Commons licences which provides guidance for UKRI-funded researchers on copyright and licensing.
There has been some discussion in the wider research community of the unintended implications of the CC BY licence for monograph publications, and arts and humanities scholarship more widely. This guidance document developed by OAPEN-UK addresses some of the common concerns and questions raised by arts and humanities researchers about the implications of Creative Commons licensing for monographs.