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Open Access Monographs : Glossary

An introduction to open access monographs aimed at our researchers at Goldsmiths, the guide provides an overview of funder requirements and the open access options available to Goldsmiths authors


Author accepted manuscript (AAM): The version of a book manuscript that has been accepted for publication. This is the version following peer review and any subsequent changes, but prior to copyediting and typesetting by the publisher. Author accepted manuscript refers to the final peer-reviewed text which may otherwise be known as the ‘author manuscript’ or ‘final author version’. 

Book processing charge (BPC): A payment made to a publisher to cover the costs of publishing a book open access. Sometimes this will be covered by the author’s funding body or institution.

Chapter processing charge (CPC): A payment made to a publisher to cover the costs of publishing a chapter open access. Sometimes this will be covered by the author’s funding body or institution.

Creative Commons Licences: Licences which can be used in open access publishing to help authors retain copyright while allowing others to copy, distribute, and make use of their work. There are several different Creative Commons licences, which allow different types of re-use. 

Diamond open access: A term sometimes used to describe a publication made freely available on a publisher platform at no cost to the author or their research organisation. It is typically used by publishers who are keen to emphasise that they do not charge authors to publish open access.

Embargo period: Restriction imposed by publishers delaying when a work can be made open access.

Gold Open Access: The type of open access where the final published version of a work is made immediately available by the publisher to download, redistribute, and reuse from the date of publication.

Green Open Access: The type of open access where the Author Accepted version of a work is made available, usually via an institutional repository such as Goldsmiths Research Online, either immediately on publication or after an embargo period.

Self-archiving: The process by which an academic author deposits the metadata (bibliographic reference, abstract, etc.) and an electronic full text for one or more of their publications in an Open Access repository (like Goldsmiths Research Online).

Third-party permissions (third-party copyright): If an author is using third-party material in their work then they will need to seek permission from the person or company that owns the rights before using it. There are some exceptions to this, notably when using material for educational reasons or for the purposes of criticism and review.

Version of Record (VoR): The publisher version of a book manuscript. This is the version following peer review and any subsequent changes, including copyediting and typesetting by the publisher. This version differs from the author accepted manuscript. 

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