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Psychology: Tests & measures

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Psychological and Psychometric Tests

The Library does not hold any psychological or psychometric tests.  This is because of their specialized nature.  They have to be carried out under professional supervision by a qualified psychologist.  Many of them are copyright-protected and are not publicly available.  It is worth contacting an author direct to ask permission to use their test, as sometimes an author will happily allow a student to do so under special conditions and will then send the test to the student personally. 

The Psychology Department has its own Test Library and students can also refer to their Handbooks for further details about it.  If a test is not there, students should speak to their tutor initially for further guidance.

PsycTESTS (through Senate House Library)

Searching by Test or Measures in PsycInfo

You can use PsychInfo to find examples of studies using a particular test or measure.


  • To search by a test or measure, enter your keywords, use 'select a field' option, and choose 'Tests and Measures'
  • Or use the Indexes (top toolbar) to browse the 'Tests and Measures' index. This will help you find the correct name for the test you're looking for (or select multiple name variations)
  • Some articles include the full details of a test or measure used. To find these articles use the keyword 'Appended' as your search term when searching by 'Test and Measure' 



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